When you purchase a subscription you'll receive repeat deliveries. These are based on the subscription duration and frequency that you select when setting up your subscription.
Your payment details will be stored securely and you'll be charged for each of these orders. When you choose to sign up for our "Subscribe & Save" program, you are authorizing us to charge your card for each additional order from your subscription.
Some subscriptions may auto-renew at the end of their duration. If you do not wish to renew a subscription you can cancel it after the threshold of three (3) orders via our subscription service has been met.
If you’d like to cancel or change your subscription, you can do so after three (3) orders have been completed via our subscription service platform. Your subscription confirmation email has links to where you are able to view and manage your subscription.
All subscription orders receive a 15% discount. Free shipping is only applied to subscription orders of $75.00 or more.
See our Refund Policy for more details on returns and refunds.